Does chosing Japanese meaning renouncing my Filipino citizenship?
So here’s the question: What should I tick in the passport application form: “外国の国籍を有していますか。” Do you have foreign nationality?” Is it yes or no?
I’m just curious if won’t this be a reason for denying the issuance of my JP passport?
Thanks for this comment!!
Would this apply to naturalized? Or birthright citizens only?
they do have the right to revoke your Japanese citizenship if you fail to remove your other citizenship.
OP の場合、日本国籍を選択したものの、まだ菲律賾国籍を放棄できていないことを明確にしておくべきでしょう。「放棄に向けて手続き中」と伝えることが重要です。
Pretty sure that as far as OP is considered she should make it clear that she chose Japanese nationality but that she has yet to be able to give up Filipino nationality and is “actively working on it”.
その通りです。OP は日本国籍を選択したものの、まだ菲律賾国籍を放棄できていないことを説明する必要があります。「放棄に向けて努力中」といった旨を伝えるのが良いでしょう。
Even if I’m done with ‘choice of nationality’ which I’ve chosen Japan?
Is selecting Japanese citizenship doesn’t mean that it will automatically renounce my PH citizenship?
OP didn’t have both at birth because OP mentions they were born outside Japan, which means they automatically lost Japanese at birth due to Article 12 of the nationality act.
You can then reserve Japanese nationality via Article 104 of the family registration act. But that reservation of Japanese nationality is not *automatic* Japanese nationality (because you literally have to manually reserve it within 3 months of birth).
Therefore, should countryX (in this case the Philippines) not allow dual nationality via manual acquisition (in this case the manual acquisition of Japanese nationality via reserving Japanese nationality via Article 104 of the family registration act) then that could explain why OP is no longer a Filipino national, because it means the Philippines would have revoked it.
なるほど、その可能性もありますね。菲律賾が手続き上の二重国籍を認めていない場合、日本国籍の留保によって菲律賾国籍を失ったのかもしれません。OP の状況がよくわかりました。
Now if OP had to actually choose Japanese, that’s another question: I have no idea what the “recognition of Philippines citizen” is. Is that a visa? I don’t know, because I’m not Filipino.
But if the Japanese embassy in Manila wanted OP to choose then they would likely know the significance of this “recognition of Philippines citizen” status
その通りですね。日本大使館がOP に「菲律賾市民としての認定」について確認しているのであれば、その意味合いをよく理解しているはずです。その情報に基づいて適切なアドバイスができると考えられます。
You’ll be fine. You’re entitled to a Japanese passport since you’re a Japanese citizen.